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What We Do

A horizontal banner photo. A light purple background with a young person on the left, wearing a jumper and headphones, smiling into camera and pointing to the right. On the right is a superimposed purple box that reads a quote from an Allsorts LGBT young person "Allsorts has helped me become less stressed, knowing that there is an online group in the afternoon makes me happy."

Our Vision
To see a world where LGBT+ children and young people are free to be themselves.

Our Mission
To listen to, connect and support lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and exploring (LGBT+) children, young people and their families through youth work, and challenge exclusion, prejudice and discrimination in all areas of their lives.

Our Aims
Focus all our work with children and young people on the 5 pillars of youth and community work;

"Empowerment": cartoon outline of a trophy


"Educative": cartoon outline of the profile of a head with a lightbulb in the centre


"Participative": cartoon outline of three hands being raised with a speech bubble above. Inside the bubble reads "..."


"Inclusive": Cartoon Outline of a Shield


"Expressive": Cartoon outline of a megaphone


  • Enable LGBT+ children and young people to develop their voice, influence and place in society and reach their full potential.
  • Involve LGBT+ young people in shaping resources and educational materials relating to LGBT+ children and young people and promoting their well-being.
  • Provide support, information, advice and guidance to parents, carers and families of LGBT+ children and young people.
  • Provide training, information, advice and guidance to schools, colleges & other educational settings in Sussex, the South-East and beyond.
  • Deliver a range of LGBT+ awareness and inclusion training, workshops, consultancy and advice to professionals and organisations working with  LGBT+ children and young people.
  • Provide holistic support for LGBT+ children and young people, in order to facilitate their personal, social and educational development.

Our Approach & Values

Allsorts' approach to working with children and young people encourages them to learn about themselves, society and others through informal educational activities which are challenging and fun.  We do this via a three-pronged, young person-centred approach to our specialist services;

  • Youth Service
    For children and young people offering as groups, activities, residentials, one-to-one and in-school support.
  • Parents & Carers Service
    For parents & carers of LGBT+ children and young people.
  • Training Service
    Tackling LGBT-phobia, supporting adults and organisations who work directly with children and young people and offering a range of young people led resources for those committed to building LGBT+ awareness, inclusion and safety.

This is why Allsorts' is a member of The Institute for Youth Work and follows their Code of Ethics alongside our core values;

The needs of children, young people and their families are recognised and are at the heart of service design and delivery. Everyone has the right to feel safe in our spaces, protected and not be judged.  All children, young people and their families are respected and their diversity, background, culture and experiences are valued.

Inequalities, oppression, discrimination and exploitation in all areas of children and young people's lives are challenged and we educate other organisations so that they can too.  We provide services within our equal opportunities framework.

Children, young people and their families choose to engage in Allsorts services, activities, events and opportunities, and are encouraged to make informed choices based on accurate and clear information.  

Respecting and valuing differences.  Prejudice and misconceptions held by children, young people and their families about other groups and/or members of society will be challenged constructively and everyone at Allsorts is encouraged to embrace equality and diversity.

Raising the voices of LGBT+ children, young people and their families.  

What we don't do

  • Allsorts is non-judgemental and non-directive. This means, that we do not tell people how they should present or describe themselves.
  • Allsorts is not a crisis, mental health or clinical service and is not part of any referral pathways into healthcare services.
  • We do not advise, recommend or direct children, young people or families to seek or take medical pathways or to seek out specific medical practitioners.
Allsorts Youth Project Ltd © is registered charity in England & Wales and regulated by the Charity Commission under number 1123014 and a Company Limited by Guarantee under number 04154118. Registered office address: 69 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AE.